Leads are potential clients i.e; people who might be interested in or in need of your product/service.

Lead generation is a process of generating and finding people who might be interested in the service you are providing.

For cold mailing and calling people, you need to get the information of the people like email, phone number, and their niche.

So the process of finding that is called Lead Generation

Quality > Quantity

When you are generating leads, be sure that you are generating quality leads.

<aside> 💡 What are the features of quality(qualified) leads?


  1. Is Running a Business
  2. Using / Needs Service you are providing
  3. Is Already Spending Money

The No.1 point is very important. You always want to find a lead running a business. You should always aim for B2B.

And After that, the quality of a quality lead is that they need your service. You don’t want to have leads who are not in your niche or don’t need your service.